United States of America on “CREDIT”

I wouldn’t classify myself as a very knowledgeable economist but I believe in “practicality ” when with dealing with politics. The economic downturn that is plaguing America for the past four years that has been blamed on the “Obama Administration”  is unfair, stupid and unbiased. People seem to forget that the Bush Administration setup the eventual failure of the American economy. The Bush Administration  spent trillions on the Iraqi and Afghanistan wars without thinking of consequences. it is simple economics:

Spending on Credit > Federal revenue=Debt.

With all the knowledgeable economist and Financial analysts in the Bush administration, nobody could foresee the eventual “recession” at hand. Bush Administration is the fundamental problem to current crisis. Bush to cover for his mishaps, borrowed trillions from China, Saudi Arabia and other countries to help the housing market , a subprime mortgage crisis, soaring oil prices, and a declining dollar value and gave tax breaks to Americans to divert attention from the polarizing problem at hand. Obama just received the bitter end of the stick when the leadership was transferred. The current crisis is the worst since the Great Depression. People forget the Great depression occurred after World War I which is similar to the aftermath of the Iraqi+Afghanistan wars. We are in the so called “Great Recession”.

Franklin Roosevelt is attributed in resolving the Great Depression but he did it in three presidential terms(12 years). He implemented social reforms that was called “New Deal” that restructured the financial system  and put in place the reputable “Social security system”. Looking at this, why do people expect Obama to fix America in three years. The policies that are been proposed by the Obama administration will revitalize and build a stronger financial foundation for the coming decades. Franklin Roosevelt’s road to economic recovery wasn’t very smooth but it was pragmatic and tough.

The past June showed an abrupt increase in unemployment that all the Republicans screamed with anger towards the Democrats and Obama putting all the blaming on them. This blame is uncalled for and basically “politically driven” not necessarily directed for the American people’s financial stability. Congress needs to buckle down, forget about politics and  find a compromise for the American people. Congress have forgotten that the primary reason of their electoral post is to serve and do what is best of the American people. Everybody needs needs to move form the “blame game” hysteria and focus on compromise and solutions. Americans need to read to make sacrifices, be realistic and patient to see a much stronger economy in the coming years. I don’t like the perception of categorizing Obama as “savior of mankind”; Obama is not JESUS and he is very much human and he cannot save everybody and he can build what is best for the American people.

I was watching CNN: Piers Morgan and saw an interview with Cory Booker; the current mayor of Newark, New Jersey. I was intrigued by the level of intelligence that splayed across the TV screen. this is an excerpt of his interview


Then I heard the same “blame game” politics by  Grover Norquist, the President of American for Tax Reform, a republican lobbied organization who was also on Piers Morgan. He kept attacking Obama on government spending, tax breaks and Afghan war without providing any solutions. Piers Morgan belittled him stating that the root of the recession crisis started from the republican policies that was implemented from the Bush Administration. I couldn’t help to laugh at the foolish argument that Grover kept pushing.

Eric Cantor (House Majority Leader) during the debt negotiation was very obstinate to the proposal laid on the table for discussions. He wants short-term solutions and more tax breaks for the upper echelon of the American society which is purely a political move for the upcoming presidential run next year. The upper class don’t need all the extra money to fly more private jets(WALL-STREET). The Republican ideology is screw the poor and middle class and give more tax breaks to the rich and the rich will eventually hire the poor and middle class. This is a very simplistic and over-rated economic system that I have ever heard of. What if Wall-street pockets this tax-given money and selfishly hire little or no workforce then where do the rest of AMERICA stand.

I hope my words are heart felt and motivating………………

Nnamdi Asomugha for Houston Texans

With a  last name that is unpronounceable in my daily vocabulary, I am rooting seriously for my Houston Texans to take a major stake towards acquiring Nnamdi. Apart form Darelle Revis in the Jets, Nnamdi has been a consistent and reputable shutdown corner that all other corner backs try to emulate from. Pairing him up with Kareem Jackson (2nd year Defensive back) would help develop him to elite level (hopefully).  Nnamdi’s presence will help Texan’s defensive numbers and create havoc for Peyton Manning( Our divisional Number one enemy).The pairing of Andre Johnson (Best receiver in the league) and Nnamdi Asomugha ( second best corner back) will be a must watch scenario that will elevate Texans to stardom, maybe playoffs and raise the Superbowl trophy. Irrespective of the price tag of Nnamdi’s acquisition, I feel his presence will highly valued.

A look at Raiders defensive stats showed that they allowed 189 passing yards per game which was the league’s second best.

Physics for thought#1

“An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made in a very narrow field.”- Niels Bohr

If you have opened your early physics textbook in your freshman year of college or as far back in time in senior level classes in high school, certain themes comes to mind. “Atomic structure”, “Bohr model”, “Electrons orbital travels” are somewhat reminiscent, these were principles that were introduced by Niels Bohr.  A short summary of his life

  • Danish Physicist
  • contributed to the understanding of  atomic structure
  • Nobel Prize winner
  • Involved in the notorious “Manhattan Project”-the group of physicists that developed the  atomic bombs in Late World War II period that was dropped in Japan.

Back to the quote stated above, I believe you can apply this idiom to all aspects of life. Taking experiences and learning from the them is the general theme of this quote. If I make a mistake at Point A and learn the from the mistake, I will transfer my acquired knowledge to explore Point B without making mistakes to point A. This has helped constrict room for error and set a standard to accomplish my goals at Point B and further on…….

Hello world!


Welcome to my blog of the hopefully unequivocal ideas and perceptions about the world that I love to share.  I hope to entertain and educate my readers. This is my first blog and I was inspired by a certain someone to express myself using a blog #enjoy

“Success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration”-Thomas Edison.