Political subversion and human rights abuse by the “American military machine” under the thumb of the American Pseudo- Imperialistic government

These critically acclaimed documentaries capture the systematic use of the American military industrial complex to unjustifiably cause somewhat irrevocable detriment to the world in the name of anti-terrorism, anti-communism, democracy, capitalism, globalization, pro-neoconservative,anti-islamic fascism  since the 1950’s to present day. The first documentary called  Taxi to the Dark Side is a 2007 Oscar award wining piece directed by American filmmaker Alex Gibney details the effects of torture as a means to retrieve classified information from supposedly terror suspects under the inept jurisdiction of national security during the Iraq and Afghanistan War disregarding Geneva Convention’s stipulations and rewriting laws to absolve the White House administration of any wrongdoing. Why We fight directed by Eugene Jarecki, is a 2005 documentary film that shows the subversive use of the ever expanding American military to shape foreign policy and dictate itself as the strongest geopolitical power despite the dire warnings of Dwight Eisenhower’s farewell address in 1951.

I still contemplate whether the safety net that precludes our current geopolitical hostile climate is strong by the actions of controversial and sometimes unjustifiable American foreign ideologue and its impact in the foreseeable future.

Does God exists?

The existence of God has is the final question that humanity has faced without a clear, definite and  empirical evidence. The institution of  religion has used “faith” to quantify the unknown invariably establishes the “omnipotent God”. Science indirectly searches the essence of God or “unknown” depending the person’s religious latitude  to explain the often random, chaotic or orderly blueprint of the universe. At the World Science Festival Bill Blakemore hosts scientists Lawrence Krausstht(Atheistic American theoretical physicist and cosmologist who is Foundation Professor of the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University) , Ken Miller (Catholic American cell biologist and molecular biologist who is currently Professor of Biology and Royce Family Professor for Teaching Excellence at Brown University) , Guy Consolmagno (Catholic American research astronomer and planetary scientist at the Vatican Observator), and philosopher Colin McGinn (Atheist) of University of Miami to bridge , mutually exclude or mutually include science, faith and religion.

Dear Misery?

The double-edged flaired obquity called life

that flows at its own pace

sometimes smooth, sometimes rough but eventually worthwhile.

Too often, the brights lights of hope are sheared

by the essence of shadowy mystery

Why God?

It seems that one step of progress leads

to two steps of regress

Such agony

But the spirit of perseverance, patience and sacrifice

drives me to sustain this

despair and lead to true


Always push for greater height and never settle.

Let me add my one cent on “role models of today” !!!!!

Television has been saturated with the arrest of Justin Bieber. Forget the nuclear deal process with Iran, the pressing United states immigration reform, Obama’s NSA speech, climate instability, fears on Russia’s Olympics security or even “Christie’s bridge scandal” ; ladies and gentlemen, we are going to talk about the Justin Bieber…. pure hilarity!!

Everyone  has seen the  above mugshot on the teenage heartthrob plastered all over every media channel in the world. This is another example of somebody with incomprehensible music potential stumbling in front our eyes. I will not focus on the crimes that were committed that night but focus on role models in our society

In this day and age of social media and reality television, people are becoming more narcissistic and materialistic without really realizing the essence of hardwork, perseverance, sometimes luck and God (if you are spiritually inclined). We all want some degree of money, success and fame; it is human nature. But we tend to forget the “how” and focus on “when” this degree of wealth is accumulated. The infamous Instagram is a way to showcase “materialistic proclivities”; rappers, reality stars, wannabes, celebrities showing off cars,clothes, club partying, money, private planes and jewelry with millions following, “liking” and commenting. it is all about “Look at me” or “You cannot afford this” or “I am rich and you are poor”. Reality television although entertaining is the worst guilty pleasure because it  promotes narcissism, tasteless conversations and stereotypes blacks. As a Black man, it is often sad, this secular images are strongly depicted with black people than whites maybe it is because of racial inequality, poverty or  even ignorant self indulgence but that it is another topic for another day. In my own right, I want to be very wealthy and successful but not materialistic and narcissistic.

 Growing up, I was particularly fascinated with the likes of Albert Einstein, Howard Hughes, Marie Curie, Micheal Jackson, A Tribe Called Quest, Bill Clinton, Richard Feynman,  Malcolm X, Galileo, Franklin Roosevelt, Bill Gates, Leonardo Da Vinci, Mother Theresa, Thomas Edison, Nelson Mandela, Patrice Lumumba and John Rockefeller. My diverse role models is not popular anymore in this day and age.The “role model” trend is shifting from people of integrity to people with expensive taste, fame and sometimes talent. Celebrities being part of your roll call of role model is not not bad but been the only part is bad. We should aspire to become scientists, engineers, businessmen and lawyers with a splash of “celeb-like glamour” through hardwork, schooling and patience. I am not asking for people to be nerds or geeks with no social lives but people should aspire to change the world and still enjoy the “finer things in life”. I hate when children and parents cried out on Justin’s behavior, we all realize that he is a young 19 year old kid, we should focus on been better than him not emulating him. His inner circle and parents are to be blamed to allowing him to a fault for his unruly behavior.He has surrounded himself with a bunch of “yes man”, “druggies” and “instagram fame whores”. The fame and wealth has festered in his world too long and primarily out of touch with everyday morals, discipline and civility. Fame and wealth does not buy common sense but sometimes begets more stupidity.

 “I personally don’t aspire to be like my role models but I take some elements from them and supersede them in every venture in my life”. 

FYI…This would be last time I would talk about a celebrity again..Lol

Food for thought….

Nicolas Malebrance ( French philopsher and theologian)- ” Whenever we think we are doing something, God is really doing it for us”…. Individual minds are mere  limited manifestations  under the causal power of God; which is the general philosophical principle called occasionalism.


Are we in a post racial American society?……

Turning on the news in the past few weeks, Americans were glued to their to their TV sets on the consequences of the Travyon martin case and unspoken political correctness on race that serenades the Black/Hispanic communities. The Zimmerman’s case surrounds stand your ground laws, racial injustice and racial profiling but stand you ground laws is a topic for another day.  Blacks especially have a long way to go to achieve the “Martin Luther King’s dream”; let us not forget that times have gotten better but there is still racism that exists. One of the most racial statements that hit me like a ton of bricks is “We are in a post racial America, we have a black president”. So what? Obama is the most racially criticized president, which is obvious because of the color of his skin. Racists predominantly found Republican party have used the argument to prove their “approval” in supporting racial diversity. Some whites used this presumed excuse to neglect building racial bridges forgetting that they are always privileged and offer hands to the racially downtrodden. Obama being in the office this second term is a predicate to the fact that Americans demographics are shifting to racial separation not unity. Older white men, southern white men, married white couples overwhelmingly supported Romney while single women, younger whites, minorities highly favored Obama.    Not to disregard Obama’s contribution to African Americans and racial equality but his position in the world is double edged…..He cannot play into being a black man and support black causes or Africa’s struggles….He has to be fair in all racial categories. If Obama passes laws that indisputably helps Africans or Black Americans, he will be called out as “racial nepotist” which Bill Clinton, George Bush and George Bush Jr, did not have to face. If Obama shows any signs of anger towards the irresponsible congress, he will be painted as the stereotypical “angry black man”  regardless whether his attitude was positive or negative.

The bubble of supposed “post racial america” that seems to blind people never existed and needs to stop. The problems of African Americans has resonated from slavery, lost connection with the African continent, oppression (social, political and educational), poverty, focusing on education especially science rather than entertainment and sports, civil injustice, prison systems, fatherless family structure and drugs. It should be noted that African Americans know that some of the problems they have are self inflicted but there are several factors that surrounds the African   Black Americans are expected by Caucasians to forget 400 years of above state problems and redeem themselves after Obama’s election and become equal with themselves. Caucasians especially Americans have never felt oppression so there can never relate to the plight of being black in this world. I made a scientific joke based on relativity on relative motion in different inertial reference frames with a friend about comparing blacks with whites…it goes:

Whites are moving at the speed of light

to achieve societal happiness in everyday life.

Blacks are moving at the speed of the fastest tortoise

to see the gleam of “make-believe” happiness in everyday life

separated by over 450 years of racial injustice.

Guess who makes the finish line first?

Conservative political pundits like Bill O’reilly have pointed fingers at African Americans as the reasons for their problems. That is a cynical and obviously incomplete answer to the question.  Bill lives in the “WHITE BUBBLE” that tends to forget the socio-economic inequality that has pushed blacks to the end of the buses in economic prosperity. Sorry Don Lemon (CNN anchor) raised some good points but pulling your pants up (only advocates for societal uprightness not racial disparities) will is not a real factor that will uplift Black people but the above problems. I thin the rebuttal by Time Wise on lemon’s points paints the other side of the coin regarding Black-white relations and black societal issues. They both raised interesting and somewhat true but it is incomplete. Personally, I dress up to par with society standards but I have faced racial profiling from the police that shocked me.

I am an African immigrant and have seen and perceived racism directly and indirectly and the misconception of post racial society is unsubstantiated. I have learnt from Trayvon martin case that….. Black people be cognizant of your surroundings at all times while Whites look forward and smile.  I asked my African American friend…..What is the important issue to be solved in the Black society. He replied that  poverty in the american society is a good start, it will cure the racial tension that leaves a bitter taste in Black people and cure the “White guilt”. Remember black to white reverse racism is  ideologically not real, you cannot oppress the “oppressor”. I am not taking sides but an advocate for racial equality. So no, we are not in a post racial America.

Aftermath of Boston marathon attacks…..

On the sad day of the uneventful day of pure chaos in Boston when the unexplained happened, the two bombs going off. I was very shocked and deeply saddened by the incident and seeing on all TV stations report uneasy news arising from the city. Two things clicked to my head after seeing such acts? Is it a terrorist act and if so was it Muslim related. This is the common theme that resonated in American’s minds. It is an unfortunate and prejudicial feeling  that still ripples form the 9/11 attack. I remember walking to school and talking to my close friend of mine who happens to be Iranian. He said he wish it is not a Middle-eastern guy or Islamic related because of the unforgiving eyes that befalls Islamic and/or Middle Eastern people.I was saddened by the statement because that I knew that He is not Middle eastern rather Asian(check the globe) but because he does not look like a typical Asian(China, Korea, Vietnam and so on), he will put in the box of Islamic  radicalism or even worse “suicide bomber”. I responded saying that “We (Nigerians) are not too far away due to mitigating circumstances surrounding growing Islamic unrest in Nigeria from Boko Haram sect”.

I grew up with Muslims back in Nigeria and to my knowledge, there were not radicalized except for occasional religious discordance but  surely different but  tribal differences had a larger divisor in Nigerian culture. Just as much as Islamic fundamentalists exist, radical Christians also exist; maybe not as violent but they do. The KKK group was a christian based group that used the Bible to defend its hate for  Jews, Blacks, Catholics and other minority groups. In the present day we live in, sometimes I wonder has religion caused so much extreme ideology that pushes people to such hate for skin color, lifestyle, culture and politics. Religion is supposed to spread unity and peace but human nature which is tainted with greed,  politics, pride and power has misconstrued and alienated the simple reason that we exist-“LIVE LONG AND PROSPER”. I as a  Christian have learnt to learn rather than judge people.  From Buddhism,  Islam, Judaism, Christianity or other religious associations, we should rethink that life is precious and learn to understand everyone regardless of cultural differences…..



In the ongoing session in life, I tend to to wonder how people’s relationship change. The uncertainty that surrounds our daily lives as we progress or irrevocably digress. I often ask myself is it worth the hassle chasing the finish line that keeps getting blurry. My life has been filled with ups, downs, sadness, happiness and broken hearts. People look at each other for the solemn  answers through relationships either parenthood, romance, siblings or friendship.  The oft despair that I feel sometimes waking up and feeling lonely. Boy! Do I miss the good ole’ times. At  my age, I can only define life has a triple edge sword; the good bad and the ugly.

Growing up I often laughed at the movies depicting that sits home crying or sad over a break up. Unfortunately, I felt the ultimate breakup where you feel your heartbeat at every step, can stop thinking about what should have or have not been and the occasional reminiscing. Am I new to this feeling? Yes. Is it stupid? Yes. Does it hurt? Yes. Am I going to recover? Yes, well maybe. I miss being in a relationship, I miss sharing my heart with someone and I felt complete with her. Relationships has two endings either resentment or enough love to tolerate one another. I hate the constant back and forth..Do I love her? Do i hate her?….Maybe I hate her or I don’t. I cant throw away memorabilia that consummated our failed love for each other….by far very annoying. I hate the phone checking to hear something from her  Perfect romances does not exist but a “comprising, respectful and  tolerant romance exist wrapped with love” is the true definition of long-lasting relationship, every other feelings are secondary to this definition.

But I have stand strong, refocus and rededicate my life to what’s important. And what is important,? you may ask. God, family and friends that matter. Do I want her back? Yes….Will I try to get her back? Yes……Will I get her back? God willing and Are I still in love with her? Time will tell. IF I DON’T GET HER BACK , well I tried, I will just back my bags and head away…Truthfully I hate this longing..I hope this feeling is reciprocal..Is this a cry for help? Nope just an outlet…


“The question of whether something is good is an open question”

An interesting quote question the ethics of life. For the description of any natural property  pleasure that is assumed to be good can be meaningfully ended with the question…why is it good?. Not introducing the question is committing “naturalistic fallacy”: the tendency for empiricist philosophers to confuse the idea of what is natural with what is good.

English philosopher……known for his ” common sense philosophy”.also known for his profound work in ehics in his Principia Ehica in 1903..He believed people are entitled to our ordinary conceptions of how things are rather than idealism set by empiricist philosophers