Does God exists?

The existence of God has is the final question that humanity has faced without a clear, definite and  empirical evidence. The institution of  religion has used “faith” to quantify the unknown invariably establishes the “omnipotent God”. Science indirectly searches the essence of God or “unknown” depending the person’s religious latitude  to explain the often random, chaotic or orderly blueprint of the universe. At the World Science Festival Bill Blakemore hosts scientists Lawrence Krausstht(Atheistic American theoretical physicist and cosmologist who is Foundation Professor of the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University) , Ken Miller (Catholic American cell biologist and molecular biologist who is currently Professor of Biology and Royce Family Professor for Teaching Excellence at Brown University) , Guy Consolmagno (Catholic American research astronomer and planetary scientist at the Vatican Observator), and philosopher Colin McGinn (Atheist) of University of Miami to bridge , mutually exclude or mutually include science, faith and religion.